Nangia Nxt

Government and Public Sector

Government and Public Sector

Our 200+ multi-specialty experts collaborate with public & private sector think-tanks to drive change and achieve meaningful results.

Amidst rapid urban, rural, and peri-urban development in our country, it's crucial for governments to adopt a global perspective in their strategies. Our global footprint and vast expertise in the government and public sector has made us a trusted advisor to governments, multilateral agencies, large public and private sector firms, and CSR Funds to evaluate, execute and monitor projects across a wide spectrum of socio-economic sectors.


Services Offered

  • Social impact consulting
  • Urban development and Infrastructure advisory
  • Fund management advisory
  • Power sector advisory
  • Tourism advisory
  • Sports, Media & entertainment advisory
  • Corporate Social Responsibility consulting
  • Aviation, Aerospace & Defence consulting

Examples of our key assignments:

Supporting Governments and Public sector organizations enhance the well-being of citizens

Public sector entities play a pivotal role in societal and economic progress. We work with government organizations in addressing their challenges to improve the lives and livelihoods of their citizens.

We combine economic and social development expertise with financial acumen to develop cities and infrastructure that are both economically and socially sustainable. Our expertise lies in simplifying the usage of government services by citizens.

Maximizing the return on public investment by implementing effective financial management practices while safeguarding people, information and strategic interests.

The aim is to create a future workforce in the public sector that is not only well-equipped with the necessary skills but is also adaptable, innovative, and capable of driving positive change within the organization and the community it serves.

Harnessing digital and analytics capabilities to enhance citizens’ quality of life and support companies and governments in achieving greater productivity.

Skilled member

Our team, many talents

Ahetesham Khan

Executive Director

P. Bharambe


Asgar Naqvi


Ajay Dogra
